Why play this way?

Look closely; you’ll notice that every object Nancy remembers is made from paper! Indeed, the humble piece of paper can truly be anything. In this play experience, your little one will explore a familiar material in an unexpected way. The process of making this pulpy mixture will invite sensory exploration, fine motor practice, and creativity as your little one forms a one-of-a-kind sculpture.

Arts & Crafts
Fine Motor
Let's Play!


Adult Participation: Required


Toilet paper

Cup of water



Piece of cardboard

Paint or watercolor

Paint brushes


Preheat the oven to 350°.


Make your mush!

Tear the toilet paper into small pieces and place them in a bowl.

Add water and let the paper soak for at least 5 minutes.

Squish, smash, poke, and tear the soaked paper until it completely breaks down into a pulp.

Squeeze out the excess water.

Add a giant blob of glue to your pulp, mix well, and explore.


Make your sculpture!

Sculpt an interesting shape by stacking, piling, and squeezing your mush on the cardboard.

Place your finished art piece (and its cardboard base) in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or until dry.

Squish, smash, poke, and tear the soaked paper until it completely breaks down into a pulp.

Once cooled, paint your sculpture and marvel at your paper transformation!

Experiment time!

Re-create some, or all, of the above activity using different types of paper:

  • Newspaper
  • Tissue paper
  • Scrap paper
  • Paper towels
  • Envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Construction paper
  • Tissue

HintYou will need to adjust your glue & water ratios as well as the time it takes to achieve a sculptable pulp.

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"Not only do we get high-quality books with engaging perspectives from well-known authors, the activities included expand how we experience the story with our 3-year-old son. Accessible, fun and educational!"
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"The activity card suggestions were easy to put together and fun for the kids. They provided a nice supplement to the story, and extended the enjoyment of the books."
associated activities are amazing!
"They not only help my grandson see the relationship between an exciting subject and the real-world principles involved, but they also strongly personalize the experience for him. He learns that reading is fun, and that learning satisfies his natural curiosity."
Looking forward to gifting these again!
"I have always gifted books at birthdays and these felt like a natural extension of the gifts I already give. It's nice to also be able to give my friends something that comes with additional activities they may not have thought to do."