Explore other activities for "Frank and Bert"
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This twist on a familiar game will bring Frank and Bert to life by inviting your little one to role-play both characters in the story. As they weave under, around, and through obstacles to hide an object, they will think strategically to make the game as challenging as possible for their partner. As the seeker, they will practice counting, perseverance, and spatial awareness. Most importantly, they will get their bodies moving and have a rollicking good time.
Adult Participation: Required
A very long piece of yarn or string
An object to hide & seek: Small stuffie, toy animal, or picture of Frank or Bert (click to print & cut)
Attach one end of the string or yarn to your object.
Choose a location to play Hide & String.
Decide who will hide the object first and who will count.
Hide your object in a sneaky spot and carefully weave your way back toward the counter, leaving a trail of string or yarn behind you.
Once you are back, it’s the counter’s turn to seek!
Follow the trail of yarn (just like Frank) and find the hidden object.
Switch roles, objects, and/or locations and play again!